On 20th of January 2018 we have celebrated the National Culture Day 2018.
Under the name People to Culture, Culture to People, the cultural project funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Identities, aims to bring into the spotlight important XVIII / XIX century personalities who have put their seal on the development of Romanian Culture.
The central figure is the great national poet Mihai Eminescu, along with other great personalities, friends and supporters of his ideals: Ion Creanga, IL Caragiale, Iacob Negruzzi, Vasile Alecsandri, Ioan Slavici, Titu Maiorescu, Mihail Kogalniceanu, etc.
The action has included photo-descriptive panels with images, literary works and aspects of the life of the great cultural personalities, the presentation of the life and work of the poet Mihai Eminescu, Titu Maiorescu, reciting poems with prizes, cello musical program and guitar, canapes.
Photos by Dragos Andrei Iancu Photographer
People to Culture, Culture to People